Saturday, May 10, 2008

Digital Globes

Globes are the spherical version of a map. Their spherical shape allows them to represent the earth perfectly. Globes were always in used as navigational tools as well as to understand various earth’s processes and phenomena.

The earliest globes were traced to the fifteenth century. Like maps, globes also show accurate directions, dimensions, distances, shapes and sizes of all the countries in the world. Most globe-makers use high quality geographic research and cartographic abilities to design globes. They are also updated regularly to take note of any changes in the world’s political, social, or environmental conditions.

Digital globes are those which use advancements in digital technology for representing the earth better. They have digital images over and inside the screen that keep changing as per the user’s requirements. The images, derived from satellite images, are made to appear on the screen, which is similar to a picture screen of a television. There are also digital raised-relief globes with clearly defined mountain ranges and water bodies. There are also celestial digital globes available. However, digital globes are not generally meant for commercial applications.

Virtual globes are also digital globes that can be viewed on the computer or any other interface. These may be simple globes used for classroom teaching, or they can be highly technologically advanced. Some virtual globes use state-of-the-art technology like satellite imaging and multiple GIS databases for real-time coverage. Virtual globes can be online or offline. These days, the application of virtual globes has become so common that they are also being fitted in cars in order to make navigation easier for the driver. They can provide detailed information, right down to a street’s name.

Another kind of digital globe is the hyperglobe that uses virtual reality to present spatial effects. These are used for visually depicting certain geographic processes and phenomenon such as the earth’s inclination, space travel, and satellite technology, through three-dimensional geoid visualization, animation, and real-time presentations. These also have interactive cartometric tools for making the data globally available.

The Roll Of Satellites

One of the largest parts of our news programs is the up to date reports they give us about our recent and upcoming weather events.

Usually news shows will highlight the weather at the beginning of a program and later dedicate a whole segment of the broadcast entirely to the weather report. Accurate weather reporting makes some aspects of our lives a whole lot easier.

In the olden days of weather forecasting, when we had cute little weather girls who were not trained meteorologists, all we got was a large map of the country with those funny looking cutouts of a sun, clouds, raindrops or snow flakes. Those reports were not always very accurate either.

Of course we have come a long way since those days. Today almost all news programs use real meteorologist that are expertly trained in weather related issues, along with satellite imaging to show what our coming weather will be.

Satellites play a large part in the way weather is forecast. The images received from them can show not only the clouds that make our weather, but smoke from wildfires, volcanic ash, oil spills, our coastlines, and so much more. These satellite images are used for all kinds of news reporting besides just our weather forecast. They provide us with important news worthy images from all around the world.

We all know what an important part that satellites play in our lives today. They help us to have better television reception, phone service, and our military uses them also.

They help us to take pictures of things deep in space that normally we could never hope to see. With all these added bonuses of having satellite technology, helping to predict our weather is still one of the most important jobs that they do.

There has been much hurricane and tornado activity that has plagued our planet in recent years. As disastrous as they have been, many lives have been spared because we are now able to clearly see where these storm systems are and track them until they eventually play them selves out.

We can see where they originate, how strong they are, and people are able to make them selves ready.

There are many other factors that satellites play an important part in concerning weather and forecasting it. The best part is knowing we have an eye in the sky helping to protect and forcast our future weather conditions.